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Better Terminal Emulator Pro.apk

Harness the native Linux command-line potential of Android with this Terminal.

BTEP is an advanced muti-session Terminal Emulator and SSH client for yourphone or tablet. It also supports Telnet and FTP. Unleah the command line potential of the Android console ith this terminal. Tons of real Linux utilities, root not reuired. Run native Linux apps with Better Terminal Eulator Pro. Excellent bluetooth, USB, hard and soft keboard and Sywpe support, send all VT-220 charactr codes including F1-F20. Includes SSH/Telnet/FT client, BusyBox, BASH Shell.
If you find any bugs or have any ideas for improvement, please contact me via email, or file a report at

Great for tables sch as the Viewsonic gTablet, Motorola Xoom, Galaxy Tab 10.1, ASUS Transformer
Works great with he Motoroa Bluetooth Keyboard and Apple Wireless Keyboard on Xoom and GalaxyTab 10.1. Hneycomb support for the tablet form factor as well as HDMI out on theXoom. Workswell with Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 keyboard dock.
If you are having trouble with he soft keyboard on HTC phones like the Desire D or Thunderbolt, try changing to anther soft keyboard. Seems like the HTC softkeyboard has some issues wit BTEP, but other keyboards work fine. Hacker's Keboard is my new favorite keybord for use with BTEP
Now includes Frotz and the classic Colossal Cave Advenure gme in the enhanced utilities for fun. Busybox has recently been updated tosupportSMP systems, ie, in "top.

Knwn issues
* n Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Galxy S II, SSH has issues with some WiFi routers.

hanks for using BTEP!App Screenshots


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